Our Mission
Have you or someone you love lost the ability to live your priorities? At BethWe, our goal is to start the uncomfortable conversations that turn complacency into action, and despair into real hope. We challenge discouragement by offering tools, information, and inspiration. On the road of life, we are actively searching for the stragglers and the waylayed, and inviting them to begin anew with friends that have been there and found a way up and out.
Connect, Communicate, Thrive
Connect: People were designed for connection. To attain purpose and balance, human beings must relate to their surroundings with the three natures with which they were gifted - physical, emotional/mental, and spiritual. With this in mind, BethWe endeavors to create opportunities to reconnect. Our experience shows that awareness precedes action, so we encourage intentional relationships with true self, with others, and with God. It is our contention that human connection is a prerequisite for successful living.
Communicate: We believe that communication is key in relationship and recovery. Successful living depends on becoming part of the "we". Our mission is to restore healthy communication with self, with others, and with God. We know that recovering from brokenness can seem a monstrous task. To share one's truth with another is an intimate and courageous act that requires the feeling of safety and realization of personal value. At BethWe, we strive to share how we arrived at those personal beliefs.
Thrive: This goal seems simple, but it is actually the loftiest of our challenges. Brokenness encourages survival or existence. For those who face physical compulsion, obsessive thinking, and/or the loss of moral compass, survival is a faulty goal. Learning to live with purpose and on purpose is the real solution.
We see three avenues of amendment. First, we must come into healthy awareness of self by knowing who you are and honoring him/her. Next, we must share fruitful relationships with others by accepting them as they are and loving them in spite of it. Finally, we must have a working relationship with God by truly knowing Him and not just knowing about Him. When three areas are rectified, the ability to thrive comes naturally.
What We Do
Successful living demands persistent self-reflection and growth.
To that end, BethWe.com hosts workshops to deal with issues affecting our network. Online and in person, the BethWe team will address topics to take participants from awareness to action. Workshops are advertised on the workshop page on this site and through our mailing list (go to the Contact Us page if you aren't already part of our registered community).
Podcasts are an easy way to "listen" to the solution. Beth tries to keep them short so that time to reflect can follow. They are easiest to access at this website, but are available wherever podcasts are told.
Weekly blogs are available to subscribers. Social media posts are designed to sneak up and encourage followers, because we know that life's hard hits can come out of the blue. Regular articles in Vero's Voice magazine bring awareness to the patterns that lead us away from connection and into isolation.Go to our Once A Pickle Store for books and merchandise that remind us about our priorities while furthering the BethWe outreach financially.
We have witnessed incredible transformations and offer hope that life can become full and purposeful to those who have lost their joy.
We Are An Active 501(c)3 Organization
Your support helps us to continue this important work. Our seminars, books and other tools are provided at no cost to those who can’t afford them. 100% of your tax-deductible donations serve to help the disenfranchised find the road back to connection. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, please contact Beth at beth@bethwe.com.